The Chart:

Sunday, July 3, 2022


 What else is going to go wrong this year?

What more is going to manifest itself already?  What other thing is going to go full regression mode and the question really is, is there anything we can do to stop it?

These are dark days, and bad times be had by all. To everyone, Mad tidings to you,  if it isn't crazy enough yet.

The market is still there though, still running, stilla o selling and still grinding on, in spite of all the gloom and bust that is circulating the globe. Truth be told, it is a time of opportunity, as the old guard is now facing the emergence of the new. The market is splintering, and a new order will be established in its place. The chaos will be replaced by order, as this is the only hope that is left.

Quietly, behind the scenes, a new dimension is dying and soon to pass into the night with a whimper. A dream has died and with it the expectations of yesteryear. The makers of yesterdays machinations have moved away, and the market has spoken. The era of jumbojets is over, and its time as an industry landmark has ended. Yes it has left its mark, but in the future, it will only be remembered as what it was and not as what it could still do.

Its time was a time of great expansion, like the machine built for the purpose, Big for its era and representative of many great achievements to come. Its size and appearance was a symbol of prosperity, with it, the notion that promised of a brighter future for the common man. The world was gifted with this creation, as a symbol of hope and peace, built during a time which saw much brinkmanship at the edge of total failure.

The spirit of renewal and enterprise drove its designers to build it, for money of course, but these things take on a life of their own.

Fast forward to today, and we are here again. At the edge of failure. This time, there is no saviour or symbol as such. There are no men who will break ranks to bring to the world the future symbols of our shared prosperity, because that prosperity is dead, broken by irresponsibility and compounded by incompetence.

The fundamentals of the world have shifted and anything that does not fit, will pass away naturally into obsolescence. 

There is only one hope. The we will emerge from these ashes. That time heals all wounds and that we never stop.

We have been given all that we need to continue living and to this end we shall continue.

These are the days of our lives and now we shall live through them.