The Chart:

Thursday, February 2, 2023


 Well, the ceremonies are over.

Production is ended and a milestone has been achieved. Congratulations to everyone involved, to the customers, suppliers, the union and to the management. The program has been wrapped up.

Naturally of course, the story is not over.

For now the lingering questions are the immediate concerns over the programs that still remain.

As the ceremony plodded on in its earnest on Tuesday, there was only one speech that mattered above all else, it was the somewhat lackluster delivery made by Mr. Calhoun. It was not the delivery of the speech that struck me, it was content of his words. The ''spirit of innovation'' were the keywords that echoed in my mind. It was almost progressive sounding and appears to be somewhat half hearted.

Yet, I fully agree with his Assessment.

It is time for BCA to put its past behind it, and nothing could be more fitting than to close out the chapter that belongs to yesteryear. The 747 is yesterdays product. Even as much as one dislikes this notion, it is the truth.

CEO Calhoun's words should be heeded by all. This marketplace of ideas does not come with decisions that have no consequences. Everyone is responsible and the legacy of The Boeing Company rests on the commitment of those under its care.

It is hard times for BCA, they are lagging behind Europe in terms of Market share and their latest manifestations have had a dulled impact on their customers, recovery is slow, but recovery is certain. The end of the 747 is just the cherry on top of, what is a very bitter pill. It is sad to see a company, admired by the World, put its Flagship product away for good.

People need to believe again, people need to see that the future is not about the past. CEO. Calhoun is right. BCA must re-invent itself in the post lockdown economy that is emerging. Europe's ambitions are just that, pushing their version of the future, one that be fits their take on the market. Yet the market has silently added another competitor, this time from the East. They are behind in scale and scope, but unlike BCA, they are tethered to the State, and this country has already shown its resolve.

BCA would be wise to watch these Men from the East, their potential and know how is unknown. They may attach themselves to the fringes of the mass market, but given time and the right circumstances their market will flourish at the expense of everyone else, a risk that BCA can ill afford. 

Is the pie big enough for everyone? Time will tell of course, but it is better to not wait around and find out.

As for their current programs, it is time to play catch up, to meet and to beat the Europeans at their own game. Their designs on the 747 have had a devastating impact, focusing too much development on what is a smaller segment of the market. The flurry it has created, has demanded the commitment of too much resources and time. Their pyrrhic victory over the machine from Everett has damaged the marketplace, creating beings without a purpose, whose raison d'etre has evaporated into the thinnest air known to man. I have no sympathy for these folks, they walked the walk and got burned, led by prestige and pride, not ever knowing the real cost to hand and limb.

 (Have you sharpened those blades yet, Dude??)

Its time to bring the future into being. To create and to build the next chapter of this journey. To pay homage to the legend and the market it has created. If anything is to be learned from these harsh lessons, is that time waits for no man, that future is now and the door of opportunity is closing. To Forget about the failures of last year and focus on the successes of this Year. This year may make or break BCA, but already how many times have we heard that.

The World Awaits.

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